
Mods to X-5

After flying the X-5 in manual mode I came to the conclusion it didn't have enough weathercock stability so I have added a small amount of fin area above the motor mount as seen below. I also drilled a hole through the foam in that area to provide a bit more cooling air for my motor as it was running hot in the weather we've had last month.

I have also included a photo showing where the pitot probe comes out of the nose. Note that it is angle down slightly for a reason - when a wing or any other object  is generating lift there is upwash in front and downwash behind it, so a slightly downwards angle on the probe will better align it with the airflow.

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  • Hello,

      Anyone can tell where I have to fix the CoG please? I have made a fiberglass x5 I lost the reference...


  • Hi fellow x5 flyers...quick question (It's probably more of an RCG Question, but thought i's ask it here to APM users as well!)

    I am having a bit of difficulty getting the CG. I have been flying around fine with the APM on auto etc with the CG at 10mm forward of the recommended position. However when adding the camera the CG moves about 8mm further forward. Do you think it's worth trying to fly the x5 with the CG 18mm further forward of the recommended position, or is that heading for disaster?

    Obviously i'd add about 7mm of up trim, and make sure i launch the 1250g plane into wind full power using the leading edge toss launch method.....

    Answers on a postcard!

    Cheers, Rich

  • Thought i'd share my build progress in the X5 group!

    It's going well, do most use folding or regular prop on these? I have a 9 x 6 folding on there at the moment, but not sure if it will pop out when the motor turns, Are the pusher folding prop stoppers necessary? the prop cant fold forward into the trailing edge of the plane 



  • Developer

    Did the fin make a noticeable improvement?

  • Developer

    thanks for the post - super useful!  (Building up an X5 now - been flying my Bixler 2 happily for a couple of months)

  • Great mods, have you had many more successful flights on the APM?

    i have just received my x5 in the post, and the motor and prop are on their way, I plan in using the APM2 with the x5. 

    What is the max wind speed you have flown/think would be possibly to fly in?

    If you have a pic of your installation that would be great! 


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