Solo on Demo Flies Away - Visits Dog's World

OK, I rest my case...

Friday 26th demo at California Drone Supply, San Diego. Happy flight until someone wanted a picture.


Controller with 3DR ID


Solo with Gimbal


Coming up to take a picture


Solo says no no

3691220290?profile=originalCrashes into truck


These guys are lucky!


Rep asks - "Max what happened?"


See it all here -

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  • LOL: "The wind caught it." If there's one thing these drones are good at, it's compensating for wind.

    She was flying nose-in, and was near some big flat/reflective surfaces. Known in the industry as "asking for it". 

    She has beautiful hair.

  • That was entertaining...I just think the Solo is camera shy!! Sales girl was hot!!!

  • I wonder if the camera that man was carrying caused some interference? The Solo seemed to push away when he approached.
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