My Particle electron arrived!
Now to work out how to get mavlink into and out of it...Anyone else looking at this unit? Steep learning curve ahead for me, I think. The aim is to have a module which directly replaces the existing telemetry radios.
Any tips on Pixhawk Telemetry -> UART integration?
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Im also very interested!
wow, cool! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Alex said:
FYI I have a working prototype for MAvLink telemetry over WiFI via the photon and am working on a solution for the Electron right now
How did this project go? did you manage to get telemetry data through the particle electron and to the Mission Planner?
I also just received a Particle Electron and am considering how it can be integrated with a drone. I'm not sure what kind of bitrates we can expect with 3G data, and it may not be cost effective to use Particle's MNVO for large amounts of data. Let me know how your progress goes!
I think to start with, you'll be sending UDP traffic. You can use Particle's UDP reference here:
It's more complex if your ground control station doesn't have a fixed IP - One solution is to route it through a known server, then have your base station relay the traffic by also connecting to it from your cellular base station.
Yeah, dynamic DNS is definitely the way to go, and the Particle can use hosts as well as IP's.
My problem is creating a raw tunnel from UART1 to UDP. I hope it's simple, but I'm not getting it to work yet. I can certainly see mavlink traffic that matches the terminal in Mission planner, so I know the data is there.
I just got a Particle Photon to experiment on. Once It is all figured out I will switch to the Electron.
My objective is to learn about "One to Many" telemetry (one based station to many rovers)
Heck yea! Hope someone can post some code =)
Hello Euan, SARA-U260 is not LTE, we're however testing it. Our integration philosophy wants to connect it via 4Gmetry / Companion via a modified FTDI cable or directly serial (not very sure works also for exactly this one). However I think that it's possible to bypass the companion and use it like dronecell.
Yes, this is the idea - direct replacement for the existing telemetry radios being preferred. Although there are some interesting i2C options here too, but I need to just stick to my first plan...:-)