Develop standard, re-usable inexpensive solutions for IP-enabled always-on UAVs over cellular IP networks such as GPRS, 3G, 4G etc.
Primary goal: Telemetry over low cost cellular [achieved in testing]
Secondary goal: Bi-directional GCS/Telemetry over cellular IP [achieved in testing]
Tertiary goal: High speed IP for streaming IP video over cellular 3G/4G
STATUS: Bi-directional telemetry over cellular IP (UDP or TCP) is now working. It has been flown successfully while logging live telemetry to a GCS at home, several miles away [distance is really unlimited]. Currently working on improving code, more testing and broader hardware support.
Are you sure FAA has ever approved 2G/3G/4G telemetry in case of recreational drones ?
Parcel delivery is easy job.
2G/3G/4G telemetry is not reliable at all in case of drones.
Direct radio link between control station/pilot and the drone is the Basic Rule.
2/3/4G telemetry can come as add-on only, since in case
2/3/4G signal is lost, telemetry is lost and drone operator is starting to violate standards set by FAA.
I have developed 3G modem to 3G modem- peer2peer
direct communication technology (dynamic IP assigned on both sides) without the need to run dynamic DNS server.
And this technology has now patent pending status.
I just have a quick question regarding a behavior that I have experienced:
I have a quad with Pixhawk (3.2) connected to a custom cloud GCS through 3G/4G dongle. I have a 3DR radio that I use for pre-flight checks (arm/disarm/check motors etc) but I would like to fly without it.
Without the radio turned on the quad flipps out of control when i launch it. With the radio connected (just turned on, no inputs) it works perfect. For some reason the quad will not fly stable without the radio connected. I have disabled the GCS failsafe and the Throttle failsafe, I send the RC override from our GCS.
Any ideas?
Just a short question:
Have you measured or estimated how much data volume you need for your video stream and telemetry transmission (e.g. in Megabytes per second, minute or hour)? Because most of the SIM card flatrates have daily or monthly limits...
Had a great flight yesterday, worth sharing.
Happy flying everyone...
Hello all!
Anybody tried this??
I´m having some problems with Inadyn, I´ve made DynDns using the, similar than your, and in the inadyn.conf I used:
--password PASSWORD
--update_period_sec 600
I added the /usr/sbin/inadyn & line to the rc.local file...
But when I made the grep INADYN I don´t obtain absolutely nothing...
Please, have you got any idea of what is happening??
Current set up: APM > RPi > 3G router (I replaced the dongle with the router as I need an extended antenna, you can do this with some dongles but the router is much more robust).
I first had a 3G dongle in the APM/RPi set up (sakis3g etc) but I couldn't connect, no heartbeat packets. That and I kept burning out dongles, if you don't have an antenna connected to the dongle they fry.
So I bought the 3G router, first I connected the APM to the RPi via the UART2 pins down the starboard side of the APM to a DB9/RS232 level shifter module (the APM works on 5v, the RPI works on 3.3logic) that connects straight to a serial port on the 3G router.
Again No heart beat packets :-((((( Ok I thought it was the RS232 module.
So I then connected the APM to the RPi via the UART2 pins on the APM to the GIO pins of the RPi. Assigned the RPi with its own IP and the traffic is directed to the GIO pins of the RPi with a port address. The 3G router forwards the traffic from the APM to port 5760 and the 3G router has a DyDns. The RPi uses Ser2net to do the serial to net conversion.
And guess what, no heart beat packets.
So then I tested with the FTDI cable from APM to RPI and still the same, no heart beat packets.
I have tried to connect MP to my Dydns on port 5760 (I haven't tried 14550).
If there is anyone that can assist us please do?
Cheers, RS
UPDATE: I've also managed to connect the GCS with 4G. So I have 4G (Aircraft) to 4G (GCS). I'll post a video shortly on
Hi Nick, thanks and sorry for late answering, I regulary check for new posts on However I don't know about interference, but everything seems ok (and very fast)!
Silvio: That's a cool project! I have an application where I may be testing your setup soon. Do you know what frequency range the 4G modem is on, and how it affects range of other RF components on-board?