Hi all,just stumbled upon this group by chance. It looks very interesting, seeing a focal point for people interested in this area. Thought I'd share my experience so far in a nutshell, it may be useful to others, and I'd also like to learn from people a bit further ahead than myself...I've been into rc aircraft for many years, and started playing with apm2 on a skywalker when apm2 was released. I've only had a handful of flights and plenty of crashes (all user/pilot error).I've made a few threads on the forum about my experiences, what works, what doesn't etc. and if anyone's interested some background info can be found here..First blog - around cameras, settings, bit or airframe info...http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/first-apm2-build-for-aerial-photography-to-create-dem-dsm-for-gisSecond blog - to build a fixed wing airframe from scratch to accommodate a decent camera and gimbal, just finished and did maiden (non apm) flight a few weeks ago, aircraft is 5kg AUW and just too big for practical use - :-(http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/yet-another-twin-boom-1?xg_source=activity&id=705844%3ATopic%3A891351&page=1#commentsCurrent blog - using flying wings for aerial mapping. I have concluded through my quite unnecessary experience that flying wings are probably best suited to this task!http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/using-flying-wings-for-aerial-mappingThe current blog is probably the most relevant, as it will involve building up and trying to use a flying wing for aerial mapping, I'll be starting at looking at using the x8 / x5 for mapping, and working out best motor/prop combos, then doing some test flights, taking some pics, and then use Microsoft ice to stitch them together.I do have a contact in a local organisation who is interested in me doing some mapping of the local sand dune project. Therefore I'm going to put a lot of effort into this and hopefully end up with something useful!hopefully this will resonate with some of you and I'd appreciate any input or help anyone has on the subject!Rich

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