My husband owns an engineering company & I've been doing this for about a year.
Thought I'd post the webinar here - It was DPR, Shimmick, AutoDesk & me (GrandView Services) talking about using this for construction & engineering. I was totally honored to be a part of it! It's worth watching just to see what the construction industry alone is at w/ it. Heads up, it's about an hour.
Thanks for posting that. Any highlights or talking points for those of us without an hour to spare?
Great idea :)
I can say even these big construction companies are trying to incorporate this into their own workflow. This is still in it's infancy for construction & engineering & these companies have been using drones on their projects legally through SkyCatch to make this a viable industry.
A couple of things holding that back - the FAA regs, the reliability of drones and the accuracy of the photogrammetry software. All of that is rapidly changing, it won't be long until this all snaps together making this a perfect SBE for subbing.
I've been using Pix4D for accuracy & have found w/ GCP's & a surveyor giving me the XYZ's, it's right on...w/ a GoPro.