Anyone using UgCS Pro in the Southern California area?

Anyone out there using UgCS Pro in the greater LA / Southern California area?  I'd like to hear about and see how challenging it is to import DEM's with buildings.

Really, most of the time I want to be able to use Google earth with it's existing 3D buildings as is.  Is that possible with the Pro License?

Other times I'll want to create and then import current DEM's of locations that have changed or do change regularly such as construction sites.

And why are there no resellers on the west coast?

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  • Hello Tom,

    Regarding Google Earth 3D buildings, it is necessary to import each building You wish to see in UgCS.

    About DEM data import, it is not very complicated, once You do it, the next time is about five clicks :)

    Please read more here in User manual:

    Let me know if You have any more questions!

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