Hi - a quick question. We use our Phantom 4 for light painting, flying manual shapes and paths on long exposures. Is there a way to import a shape in vector, or other format and place this shape into UGCS and have it add waypoints and therefore fly that shape perfectly? I have tried drawing shapes manually and UGCS adds waypoints to the drawn path but wondered if I could import a perfect shape for UGCS to add waypoints to? Also, when I view/position the map horizontally and then try and manually draw a shape, UGCS places that shape flat on the surface and not "standing up" at 90 degress which is what I wanted. Thanks! :)
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Almost done.
It's seems that points in canon.csv file are not in right order, and altitude is in feets. Right?
Good morning. Here is the CSV file of waypoint lat/long/alt as outputted by the SketchUp plugin. You will note there are two rows that seem to be the middle ground level waypoint which is visible in SketchUp and placed there automatically so i suppose those two can deleted. I hope the points are in the right place from this output. I am still trying to work out how to add a text tag or similar to each point so it will be included in the output CSV but thats still work in progress! Have a look and let me know what you think. Thanks again. Winston :)
Hi Alexey. Yes and no.. :). I managed to get a shape into Sketch-Up, mark out "waypoints" on that in 3D (basically a small plugin for Sketch-Up that displays the Lat/Long for any clicked point. That plugin then allowed me to export the points with the co-ordinates out as a CSV. Now, this is where I got stuck with UGCS as I couldn't then do anything with that CSV using UGCS. I then used Litchi (just to test) to modify a previously outputted CSV file of waypoints, I inserted my own lat/longs and Litchi displayed them on a map, but I could not see if they were correct as I can get no 3D view in Litchi.....so I really need to be able to import these waypoints into UGCS from the CSV, I would then be able to see and adjust them etc. Obviously I know I cannot manpiulate curves on that verttical axis so I will be interested to see how far I can go. I went to test the Litchi mission but as I forgot to text label/number the "waypoints" in the correct order the Phantom was flying to random waypoints so I didn't really know if it was working, but it seemed to be, even though the waypoints were in the wrong order on that test!. That is as far as I got with this. Would really like to see if I can do this with UGCS. Thanks! Winston
Hi Winston, do you have any progress with that?