Hi Ugcs Group Nice to eet you!
I was wondering if would be possible to use UGCS with Udp connection to our copter, we are planning to use a swarm of quads to fly in indoor eviroment and i would totally love to switch from our actual gcs MavProxy to a more friendly enviroment, also UGcs has already path calculation to avoid collisions and nice keyboard shortcuts to map my keyboard as i desire.
Can you point me to a guide on how to do this trick?
Will I be able to arm and take off my copters from Ugcs?
the topic i checked out was this one, but i didn't really get the solution right
Should i use Netcat and pipe everything to new udp?
Hi Alexey i'll write you a mail right now ! Looking forward to work with you guys
Hi, if marvelmind devices will emulate GPS for autopilots this all should work. In UgCS you can load floor plan as georeferenced image and plan/control your indoor flight.
It's very interesting - we have potential customers who asked us about possibility to use our UgCS Drone Dance Controller indoor. Please drop me message to ugcs@ugcs.com, we can discuss how we can support you. At least you will need UgCS Pro license, for experiments we can provide it.
For UDP to work UgCS requires a separate config entry for each vehicle in vsm-ardupilot.conf.
Given the following network setup:
Host running UgCS:
IP of Vehicle1:
IP of Vehicle2:
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.1.udp_local_port = 14551
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.1.udp_address =
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.1.udp_port = 4441
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.2.udp_local_port = 14552
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.2.udp_address =
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.2.udp_port = 4442
The wifi modules on vehicles should be configured to send UDP traffic to VSM IP and to corresponding UDP ports:
UDP config for Vehicle1:
source port: 4441
destination address:
destination udp port: 14551
UDP config for Vehicle2:
source port: 4442
destination address:
destination udp port: 14552
Hi @Alexey the system we have outputs nice stream of nmea formatted senteces, we are using marvelmind, the system is geooriented and georeferenced, we are having some hassels with our Erlebrain2(raspberry+roshat) from erlerobotics, every time we have a 3d fix all of a sudden wifi turns off, but i'm looking forward to have it working on a ardupilot or pixhawk based autopilot fully supported from UGCS.
if you have any hint about what would be suit our needs that is much appreciated!
Thank you for the rapid replay!
Hi, it's possible. It requires manual configuration but it works.
I asked my colleagues to post detailed instruction, but could you answer me what navigation system you plan to use for your indoor swarm?
UgCS will be almost useless if drones will not use GPS coordinates, you will not have map in same coordinate system etc.
In theory UgCS can be used for indoor flight but only if you will use indoor navigation system which will "emulate" GPS from autopilot and GS point of view.