After looking at the first file you sent It does look that all you need is to add altitude offset to match the default terrain.
Unfortunately I cannot guide you through pix4d settings as I do not have experience with it and trial version does…"
You can try to connect it via UDP over wifi and it should work, but it is not officially supported by UgCS.
Add these lines to the vsm-adrupilot.conf and restart the VSM:
vehicle.ardupilot.udp.1.udp_local_port =…"
"1. On VSM config.
Add two lines to vsm-ardupilot.conf:
vehicle.ardupilot.tcp.2.address =
vehicle.ardupilot.tcp.2.tcp_port = 5762
If you are running the simulator on other host or virtual machine then substitute the with the ip of…"
For UDP to work UgCS requires a separate config entry for each vehicle in vsm-ardupilot.conf.
Given the following network setup:
Host running UgCS:
IP of Vehicle1:
IP of Vehicle2:
Thanks for your interest.
It is possible to make mavproxy+UDP to work with UgCS but it is somewhat involved.
UgCS can connect to autopilot via UDP only if you know the remote address and UDP port of the vehicle (or mavproxy) in advance and…"
A2 will not accept more than 50 waypoints.
There is a feature in UgCS which allows you to overcome this limitation by uploading partial route. It involves manual route upload in the middle of the mission. You should decide if that can work for…"