"Hello Yuri,
I have a different baud rate(115200) and that makes it difficult to use magviewer (I have to do a lot of hand soldering to change the connections). I will try and let you know.
Thank you very much for your feedback :)"
"Hello Yuri,
Thanks for your immediate response, I have read this when you first mentioned. How does the magnetic inclination affects my calibration here . As per the datasheet the +z is pointing towards earth and in both cases (+z pointing down and…"
"Hello Yuri,
I am using MPU9250 and I am trying to calibrate using MagMaster. What I have understood from pic 8 is, align the MPU9250 say in first case, +X up and measurements at 0 degree and 180degree and then -X and so on. Am I correct ? I have…"