

Daly City, CA

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Newbie, tasked with setting up a drone program at the school where I teach.


Daly City

Activity Feed

Alexander Wong posted a discussion
Relative newbie here looking for advice: I've done one ARF build and am now trying to move into DIY territory.I'm setting up an APM 2.8 and I have a spare PMU from a Naza Lite system. Is there any reason I can't use the Naza PMU to power the APM? I…
Jun 20, 2019
Alexander Wong posted a discussion
Hello all.I’m in the simultaneously enviable and unenviable position of suddenly having an unexpected $6000 to spend on drone-related equipment in the next month in order to start a drone program at the school where I teach. I’m an almost complete…
Jul 28, 2017