"Figured out the error. when I type make sitl, I get a bunch of errors after
Building /tmp/ArduCopter.build/ArduCopter.elf%% ArduCopter.elf
These errors are
/tmp/ArduCopter.build/ArduCopter.o: In function…"
"I'm currently using option 1 of your suggestions.
and then did
make sitl
and it returned.
"Yep, I first ran that to erase the EEPROM and then ran the sim_vehicle with the aircraft and map parameters. Even the first command(sim_vehicle.sh -w) complains about the heartbeat. (It creates the .o files and then does the parameters process and…"
I've setup SITL exactly as mentioned in the wiki. After running sim_vehicle.sh --console --map --aircraft testI receive the messageMAV> Waiting for heartbeat from tcp:'m unable to do anything in the SITL because of this. Can anyone…
"Thanks Crady you've been super helpful, I got rol_180_yaw_45 work for me. I'll try out a flight today and let you know how it goes. Do you fly a wing too?"
Hi Guys , I've been using the APM 2.6 (No internal compass) with the NEO-M8N GPS+Compass via I2C. My compass directions are very inconsistent. I've done calibration several times but the direction is wrong. When I point north -> Heading shows north…
"I see , so let me get this straight. The banana pi talks to the ardupilot which in-turn has sensors connected to it. The connection over GSM happens via banana pi's USB-3G-Modem/Dronecell over XMPP to your laptop?
Cool , I can see how latency is…"
"Very interesting ,
1- How are you talking to the UTV1 over GSM? Do you have something like a raspberry pi connected over telem2 port?
2- What about the video feature you were talking about?"