Anthony's Discussions (7)

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Not enough power to get off ground

I have changed from a kk2 board to the ardupilot with the latest firmware done al the calibrations but do not have enough power to get off the ground The quad had plenty of power when using the kk2 board . checked the settings in stranded parameters

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Simulation of heli in xplane

Is it possible to run a simulation in xplane with the simheli firmware.

I have run the planesim firmware in xplane no problem, just wondering about running the helisim in xplane10

The wiki only mentions using aerosim..

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Pos hold flight mode unknown

Can not change to pos hold mode if I save the mode in any of the 6 positions in flight planner and swich to it I get mode unkowen on the flight data screen all other modes work fine.

using a quad with 2.9 firmware.

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Overlay gps data onto still image from uav

Is there a way to overlay the gps data onto a still image from the uav .

Instead of using live video and a osd I want to use a still camera such as a Canon powershot s90 and overlay the gps information onto the image before transmiting to ground.

uav w

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Windows 8 and mission planner

Building a ground station and was thinking of using windows 8 as the operating system .

Are there many using windows 8 with mission planner? any issues I am aware of the unsigned driver issue ,are there any other problems using windows 8 or am i bette

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Geotagging images from ip camera

Is it possible to geotag images from a ip camera,as ip camera's that I know dont have exif data is it possible to use the geotagging function in mission planner to ad gps data to the ip camera images?

images are in mjpg format,Would also need to add t

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