"Hi tom,
how have u solved? I'm experiencing same problem with Windows 7 Pro and all my ardupilot boards (VR Brain 5.2, VR micro Brain 5.2 and PX4 clone) Tom Evans said:
Yes !! Thanks for the followup though ---- I appreciate it :-)"
"@Patrick, thanks for info.
I'm writing a python module very similar to what u are using for GoPro, but I'm trying to use one channel from X8R to switch from photo to video (and viceversa) and one channel as shooter... but still far from finalization…"
I'm going to use pigpio module from joan
I'm not sure whether I can connect tfr-sky RX x8R PWM signal channel directly to RPi GPIO (I got feedback voltage level is 3.3Vdc but I'm not sure because x8r is fed at 5Vdc)…"
"Hi, with SJ4000WiFi I hope I can implement the same (refer here)
Actually what I'd like to do is to control the cam from RC connecting two channels of the RX to RPi GPIO (and not to FC shooter) running a python script that can read PWM so that with…"
"@Patric. Yes SJ4000Wi-Fi does transmit h264 video over WiFi 2.4GHz but i need proprietary app... I've never checked the latency but I would not use it for fpv, better analog 5GHz tx.
My project aims to command sj cam from radio tx so that I can…"
"the idea not to have fixed IP is that in this way I have the possibility to use whatever GCS I can (e.g. mobile, tablet, PC, etc.) and any connetion (e.g. WiFi of mobile 3G/LTE)... up to now I tested only WiFi and TCP and UDP, I'll make some new…"
"Patrick, very good job.
One question on gstreamer: is it possible to stream from drone (e.g. from RPi) via udp (or tcp??) without defining the IP address of the far side where to send the stream?