I did not fly my ArduCopter for around 10 weeks or even more than that.Now suddenly it is showing bad compass health in the mission planner, my HUD reacts and moves perfectly according to the drone but same message keeps on showing "Bad Compass Healt
I hold the quad( apm 2.8 with neo 6m gps module) in my hand and turn on autotune(just to check will it work or not) it tries to go right and immediate left and lowers its throttle and then rapidly increase its throttle, then i put it back in stabiliz
I recently bought a new apm 2.8 with neo 6m gps module and i configured using mission planner build 1.1.6056.17827 and with version APM Copter v 3.3.3 quad. Did all the calibration and the quad fly's so stable in stabilize mode normally. NOW
I am using apm2.6 and trying to do auto tune and altitude hold mode but when in altitude hold mode, I move the throttle a little more forward and the quad copter turns into a rocket and goes straight up with a high speed then somehow i managed to put