I'm trying to get SITL up and running in cygwin. So far I've had some success, I can run ArduCopter.elf and connect it to sim_multicopter.py. Instead of using mavproxy to send rc commands I'm trying to use the APM Planner joystick control. APM Pla
I flew my 3DR-B tonight in startlingly windless conditions. It was the first time I've really tried to test Loiter. I got the quad into a nice stable hover (it was hovering practically dead still in these conditions with no control input at all) an
So like many other people on this site I am attempting to build a quad-copter drone. I have some experience with RC helicopters (I have a Blade 450 and mcpx) and I'm a software engineer so this seemed like a fun project and a good way to take my hob