About Me:
I am new to Aerial Photography. I got interested from contact with a co worker in Real Time Video Analysis who was into it. I am a Quadriplegic and have no hand movement but I have been using the Real Flight G2 Simulator and getting confident despite my disability. I have ordered a Hexacopter but I am presently unemployed so parts will come slowly as I can afford them. My long term dream is to build a good testing platform with FPV on one cam and a separate GoProHD for capture. Then build and test a real time target acquisition and tracking system to auto control the GoPro camera gimbal based on the video feed. I have copy right on some very crude Perl scripts for Programmable Integrated Circuit Based Video Processing but have not figured out the initial target identification yet. I am looking forward to interacting with the makers and builders on the site. I have a 1/10th Savage XL (Nitro), 1/5th Baha 5B (2 stroke), and 1/10th Slash Ultimate (LiPo, FPV) for ground RCs.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
Aerial Photography