New SOLO Group
I created a SOLO group to discuss the new 3DR SOLO being released on April 13, 2015.
Read more…I created a SOLO group to discuss the new 3DR SOLO being released on April 13, 2015.
Read more…I'm curious if anyone knows if the battery will be 3S or 4S battery? I hope it's 4S like the Phantom 3 to get longer flight times.
Read more…I have been using a Power Module with my APM 2.6 in both my quad and my hex since I built them. But it seems they have never been configured correctly. What I don't understand is when my battery gets low I get the warning that says battery at XX.Xvol
Read more…Here's a good video with lots of tips. After seeing lots of people having similar issues this is a good reminder to help you remember important steps when building a multirotor.
Read more…I bought an APM 2.6 from 3DRobotics 2 weeks ago. I finally got around to putting it in a hexacopter.
I have a question regarding the connections of it because it seems to be dead and not working.
I have Hobbywing 30A ESC's.
So when connecting everything
Read more…I tried finding a recent post regarding this but everything was referring to APM 2.0/2.5 and even firmware 2.x.
I have 3.1.2 on my 3DRobotics APM 2.6 running Mission Planner 1.2.99. I am curious when creating a waypoint mission how the altitude works.
Read more…Looking for advice here. I have built my own quadcopter using parts from eBay and other random places. So after it was built and tested in my garage I flew it outside and had no issues. Then I was doing an autonomous mission down my street and back a
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