Brandon Wampler's Posts (1)

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This is the Qt GCS that James and I have been working on. It still needs some work but it uses cross-platform libraries and the CMake build system. It uses OsgEarth, an open source equivalent to Google Earth. The GCS can load many 3d model types including the cool FlightGear Models. Right now it mostly uses pop-up menus for editing waypoints (triggered by shift-click). Its a work in progress so not everything is hooked up yet. It was developed on a linux system but has been compiled on mac thanks to drziplock. There are some issues with OsgEarth that we still need to figure out on mac though.

Here is our first recorded test. There is some dead time at the beginning and end since the ground station was started on the 3rd floor of our lab building and we had to walk outside and setup the autopilot. Not a lot of action on the 3D display since we have some signal interference issues with our video, R/C transmitter, and Xbee modules, but DroneGCS works with the GCS_STANDARD_PROTOCOL and uses the ardupilotmegacomm library. . The website with our ArduPilot, DroneGCS, and aerospace related code is: The git repository for DroneGCS is: git clone git:// Let us know what you think, we're open to suggestions and development help.
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