Flying mission with auto takeoff and waypoints. Plane perfectly executes take off and heads to first waypoint. Upon arrival at first waypoint plane pitches down until impact - even
I loaded Plane 3.2.3 so I could try terrain following. Everything seemed fine, no errors, but no output to the ESC or servos in any mode. The mode switch works because I can see the modes change in Mission Planner.
I have a flying wing with PixHawk "mostly" working. Sometimes it seems to have a problem with altitude when in auto mode and flying a waypoint mission. Here's what it does:
Can't get the airspeed to zero even when pitot is covered. Tried the preflight calibration button but that had no affect. It fluctuates between 4 and 6. Any ideas how to get AS to show 0 on the fligh
Just got my wing with APM 2.5 flying. Stabilize works great, but Loiter just sort of flies away. The plane will circle overhead, then the next circle is a bit further down wind, the next circle is so far away I have to switch to manual and fly it
My throttle only works in Manual mode. If I switch to any of the assisted modes the throttle is turned off. I read that the plane must be in motion before the throttle will work in assisted modes but this is not the case in with my