Has anyone had issues orientating the board in certain vertical positions?
I am trying to place the board with the front pointing up and the top of the board facing the right wing. pitch90 and pitch270 work fine as well as most of the states but ahrs_
I uploaded Ardupilot Mega 2.0-Beta Xplane HIL into my APM and ran it in xplane perfectly. modes, rtl, auto, waypoints and altitude all worked. but when i loaded Ardupilot Mega 2.0-Beta and flew it in the field loiter, rtl, and auto all did not work
Hi, I am running Ardupilot Mega v1.4 with the 2.0 beta firmware. Have it running in Xplane simulator with manual mode and stabilization working fine but when i change it to loiter, RTL or Auto, the Mode box in the ArudpilotSim window is always set t