"Been out flying today with my octo, luckily I had my laptop with me as the APM 2.5 lost its accel calibration again and rolled its self into the ground on take off. Plugging in the laptop revealed the HUD leading over to one side on a flat surface.…"
"Hi, managed to get my octo flying yesterday on this latest firmware.
Today ive just opened mission planner and it updated from .59 to .60 All ok so far.
Connected to the octo and now my hud looks like the picture! The octo is level on the floor.
"Hi Gary
Thanks for the info. Alt hold is working fine. Flying around doing sharp banks loses some height, but thats to be expected i guess.
Loiter is also fine when my compass is reading ok. Never really looked at the compass settings, will take a…"
"Im running 2.9.1b with the ardupilot stuck to a stack plate using double sided sticky foam. (one layer)
The stack plate is mounted to the frame using rubber mounts which are pretty stiff, designed for a PC water cooling pump. My logs show vibration…"
"When the hexa is disarmed, looking at the hud in mission planner the pitch and roll is jumping around all over the place, +- 4.5 most of the time. Once armed it drops to +-0.2 It is sat dead still on the floor. I have flown the hexa and its seems to…"
"The Hexa firmware is driving me mad now, I can not get hexa 2.9 or 2.9.1 to upload to a APM 2.5 without failing on the verifying part of the install. Installing the quad firmware works fine. Ive also tried it on the last 3 versions of mission…"
"Im having the same sort of issue, but this APM 2.5 is yet to actually fly, its brand new fitted to the air frame. Calibrated everything, yet the hud jumps all over the place sat on the desk.
When i first installed the firmware it was sat on the…"