I'll be up in the mountains this weekend doing some testing and flying with my Bixler and there will not be any phone service. Is it possible for my to download the arduplane manual for off line access? Thanks
Last Saturday I tried my first auto flight with my Bixler 2 and APM 2.6. This is my third autopilot. The first ended after a brown-out in a skywalker, the second was lost in a quadcopter crash when th
I have a DX7S and can only get 3 flight modes out of my three way toggle switch. I am going to make my 7th channel RTL. When I hit this switch will it overide the current flight mode that I'm in? This is what I am hoping for. Thanks in advance!!!
About a month ago there was a RTL set-up on the configuration screen. It allowed you to set the altitude you wanted your quadcopter to climb to when RTL was engaged, the speed it would return to the launch point, and what altitude it would go to once
I recenlty purchased a DJI 450 with the DJI motors and ESC. I also purchased the APM 2.5 for the controller. It's all built and I have been trying to calibrate the DJI ESCs with no luck. I have tried the automatic calibration as well as the manual wi
I have a few basic questions about setting different throttle positions in the mission planner. For example, if I am in straight and level flight I probably only need about 50% power. If I'm in a climb than I probably need 80 to 100 percent, and desc