"Having reread CAP 658 no mention is actually made to the word 'control' in this context. The flight from start to finish is the responsibility of the operator so loss of 'control' is of no relevance regarding the rules."
"I think the big difference between the CAA/Court and the modellers on various forums is what 'control' means. I keep reading that he lost control of the aircraft and therefore where it ended up flying wasn't his fault. I don't believe that is what…"
"I flew with my new lights for the first time yesterday and have a not so small problem. I have had the lights running fine on the ground for some time prior to flight.
The board is powered via the I2C 5v/gnd pins from the APM 2.5 output side. The…"
"I have an APM 2.5 and since the case is still not available I ended up mounting it naked. Initially had the same behaviour until I covered up the barometer as per a post I found on here. In my case as soon as I tried alt hold it slowly descended."
"I use 8ch PPM sum OK with my APM2.5 board but not tried programming the receiver to only pass out 6ch. I didn't jumper those pins though. I use channel 5 and did the solder jumper on the the underside of the board as per the wiki. I saw posts from…"
"Sounds like they are not very good prop adapters if the nuts won't remain on. I must have several thousand flights with props on electric motors and never had one come loose (never used threadlock either). Never seen any come loose on aircraft…"
"Be nice to see Blimpduino resurrected. It was what got me into Arduino's. I bought a flying nemo fish last year; saw blimpduino and got hacking. Not autonomous just custom transmitter/receiver flight controls. Still on the bench as I need to make up…"