I know someone two people that today will be taking their BNUCs flight exams today 1 of these people has never had any interest in anything technical and never picked up a transmitter, and has had maybe a week of practice using a DJI Phantom and an S
I have been trying to get the autoland feature working for a couple of weeks now to no avail? The first time I made a flight plan with several waypoints and then a final LAND command where the plane would reach and then stall, on the second attempt I
I just installed an airspeed sensor on my new APM 2.5.. I have enabled it in mission planner and it seems to be workig well? But when I click on enable airspeed the horizon pitches up and down depending on the airspeed reading, so if I blow
I have been trying to get a bluetooth link working with my APM2 to avoid constantly plugging and unplugging the usb in whilst tuning, I know this can be done, but it is proving irritating? i can change baud rates e.t.c and plug the module into the te
Has anybody had good results from using auto mode in conjuction with the mission planner?
and what pid`s are you using? it appears to me that there are a vast range of PID`s being used for auto mode, where as some of the other fuctions such as loiter
I have just been testing my GPS as it takes me ten minutes to get a 3d fix? so I decided to see what is going on, and yes it takes ten minutes still, but it indicates a 3d fix and sat count 3? this I thought is impossible? you need at least 4 sats fo
I have just been flying my tricopter in 20 to 29 mph winds and found it a bit of a handful, now some of you may think "of course" but this was not the case with a kk board? whilst it was still no easy task it was much easier, I think it is because th
When I have USB connected and go into flight planner under the status tab, nearly all of the data is floating around i.e increasing and decreasing by an amount with the craft laying still on the floor, is this normal?
O.K the problem I am having is once I have downloaded logs for use in google earth the - is missing from longtitude so instead of -0.2244xxx it reads 0.2244xxx and puts it out by about 20 miles.
Everthing is o.k in mission planner but as soon as missi
Anybody had any success with APM2.0 and a Tricopter? after much messing around with PID`s I can get it to RTL in a fashion 70% of the time but once it gets bak to Launch it tends to lose it bearings and dissapear in another direction and I have to sw
Since updating my flight mode of Alt hold has changed to Acro. Luckily I spotted this before flying, but now I cannot change it back, it just keeps saying failed to set flight modes, after several restarts and resets it is still not working?
Hi, whenever I play back my log file on google earth the position is about 20 miles west of where I was actually flying? also sometimes in return to lauch and loiter it will sometimes shoot off in completely the wrong direction and altitude? is this
I cant seem to read any of the log files apart from some from last year when the board was tested by someone in San Francisco? they seem o.k and can be read and played back on google earth. But my board only makes a log everytime I plug it into the l
It seems after searching several sites that not many people are using a tricopter? and even less still with the new APM2.0? anyone got any advice, problems, PID settings that work well? mine is nearly there, RTL, Alt hold and Loiter seem to work o.k