Easystar's Discussions (4)

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Help with steering

Hi!I'm working on a custom autopilot, and as a first step I'm using a wheeled platform that is supposed to navigate to waypoints. I have written code for navigation and I use only a GPS as a sensor at the moment. I tested my setup today and the robot

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algoritm for following waypoints


I have decided to develope my own uav system for my easystar.. One thing I wanted to ask you about is the algoritm for following waypoints.

If the plane knows it's current position and heading (GPRMC string), and is supposed to steer for it's next

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gps module?

Hi! I´m just about to buy my first gps-module to interface it to my basic stamp for a future Autopilot project. I have thought about the Globalsat BR-355.. Is there anything special I should think about when buying a gps module? I've seen many workin

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