"I haven't done anything to thresholds.
What happens when you follow the above instructions?
Have a look at the servo screen in your tx and see what happens when you flip the switches."
Here is my solution to access 6 flight modes on Graupner MZ24 transmitter.As described in ColinBouriquet's blog, also two swithes has to be activated on MZ24 to manage 6 modes.The idea is to make the tx send the following to the receiver to activate…
My radios communicate ok in Mission planner- Bur in Terminal mode for log downloads it goes bananas. When connecting there is a long stream of strange characters (never ending). Any ideas on how to resolve this?Espen
"I found this discussion extremely facinating. In the beginning a furious pilot. After a number of replies and fruitful discussion, I hav learnt a lot on Ardupilot an possible errors and hinderings for a Ardu-beginner.
Thanks to all the contributors!"