I had a fully tricked out with every options ArducopterMega I purchased fully assembled from jdrones last year. I usually assemble all my own stuff so it figures that I crashed it *hard* on the first or second flight and basically destroyed the frame. This sent me down the rabbit hole and since then I have built 8 multi-rotors by hand including a few quads, a Y4, a Y6 a hex a TRI and some other aborted experiments ;) I used many different control boards so now I have an extensive collection of different motors, ESC's control boards and other gear.
But when the good folks here ay DIYDroones came out with the new 3DR carbon frame for ArducopterMega I figured it was time to resurrect my original copter that got me started in this hobby.,
So far the build is coming together nicely, here are some photos. I will update soon with maiden voyage video!
First image is the remnants of the crashed frame from my first arducoptermega ;)