




About Me:

FLICAM is a New Zealand based team with the goals to develop a UAV platform. Mainly for the fun of it! But also to learn.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Unmanned technology is the future. Maybe not in all industries, but a lot. So we want to develop our own platform to learn a lot more about how they work, and their potential applications.


Christchurch NZ

Activity Feed

FLICAM replied to John Cousins's discussion Introductions. Drop in and say hello! in Western Australia
"Hey all,

  May as well get myself out there.
Firstly, I'm not from WA! Not even Australia unfortunately!! ..... Now don't hold this against me, but I am currently residing in New Zealand. **I'm a firm believer that NZ should become part of…"
Oct 23, 2012