Federico's Discussions (3)

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Automatic TakeOff Issue

Hi guys,
in the last flight test I carried out I encountered a problem during an automatic bungee take-off.
Given that I had already done another 4 launches and missions all went well without reporting anomalies
at launch n°5 The following happened ...

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Telemetry link and microhard

Hi! I want to share the telemetry of my PIXHawk 2 with a microhard telemetry 900 Mhz Bridge (no 3dr , no RFD), anyone have some suggestions about the configuration of the modem for streming mavlink messages?I tried to use microhard modules p400 ... t

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SITL simulation of Dev firmware

Hi all,

i'm working on UAV project based on ArduPlane 3.8.2 firmware. I'm trying to build SITL for my DEV3.8.2 version of firmware for simulation inside Mission Planner environment, but i can't compile the ArduPlane.elf file correctly.

Anyone can help

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