About Me:
I am 21 and i am achieving a degree in computer sciences (Industrial computing) at the HEPL - INPRES Seraing. At the moment, I am working on a project based on a QuadCopter which use a APM to control the copter.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
As I said in my presentation, I am working on the APM and all it whereabouts. The purpose of my work is to understand the programs ArduCopter and Mission Planner to develop improvements for these programs (like a recovering parachute, couple the APM Board with another integrated board in order to make the drone smarter with image processing applications etc...) Also, analyze ArduCopter and Mission Planner will improve my own computing skills and will show me other way to control remote systems (I've been fascinated by the programmed scheduler that can simulate multi task on the APM because, so far, i have only worked with OS/Embedded OS to control remote systems).