So on Sunday I had a bizarre accident with a quadcopter that I have been building for some time now. I built the quad for a friend and he had an issue where it attempted to fly away and crashed into a tree... So I rebuilt, replaced a motor an
Me and my team at Jamaica Robotics Group has been in contact with Wayne Garris for quite a while in regards to drone use here on the island to help protect the fisheries around the mainland and in the cays.
Hey guys I am looking at ways by which the range of battery operated UAVs can be extended beyond the normal 1-3 hours of flight time(or the 7 hours by the Techpod).
I am looking to build a 2 axis gimbal with X and Y rotation for the mobius action cam. What I want to know is exactly how to integrate a gimbal board with APM 2.6 to allow for remote manipulation of the gimbal while in flight. I would also li
Hi guys my first post here.Me and a friend of mine is working on designing a low cost mid range drone for agricultural and law enforment use here in Jamaica.The range we are hoping to achieve is 100km radius with a max altitude of 12,000 feet and a c