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Jason K commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Reach RTK GPS can now embed ground control points in imagery
"Roman thanks for your diagrams!
Can anyone explain what the hot shoe does electronically?
I get that it's meant to trigger external flashes. Does it do so by shorting the two pins together? I've got access to an oscilloscope through a friend but…"
May 10, 2016
Jason K commented on Melih Karakelle's blog post Weird story about Google/Nest and Hardware bricking
"Go to their FAQ and just beside that it says they will refund the purchase price of the device - something that really should be mentioned in the post above. I agree people's homes may have come to depend on the system and it may be a pain to…"
Apr 9, 2016
Jason K replied to Tersus GNSS's discussion L1/L2 RTK trial user wanted
"Hello Winston,

I'd love to test it (through the Canadian winter). Prior survey experience. You have my email or can send me a PM.

Dec 26, 2015