I am hoping to get a hold of a moderator over at discuss.ardupilot.org
I have tried to log in over at the new forum with no success. Using my primary email address, I try to log in but no password combination will work. I click the forgot
Hey all, I have an issue when trying to connect my quad (auavx2) and hex (pixhawk) to my phone toting the latest beta of Tower. Every time I hit connect, within 5-10 seconds my Samsung Galaxy S6 will restart itself without warning. This same failure
Hi everyone! Ever since getting a new phone (s6) I haven't been able to use it to connect to my multi rotors with ac3.2 or ac3.3. Without fail tower will force my phone to restart once I connect to either mr. This happens on two different phones, two
Hi everyone! I wanted to throw an idea out there to hopefully have someone respond and say "this already exists". If not, then I hope it can start a discussion that could lead to something that I think would be really neat.
hi everyone!I come in search of some help on a quadcopter that I recently built. I am flying an auav-x2 pixhawk clone on a asymmetrical quadcopter configured as a v frame within parameters. I am flying 3.3 rc 3 and have tried auto tune several times