I just want to ask if the option "Point Camera Here" is already implemented. I am using APM2.6 with Quadcopter (X) with FW 3.0.1. The 2 previous commands "Fly To Here" and "Fly To Here Alt" rised with right clicking on map in "FLIGHT DATA" tab are
I have started some development on APM2.5, which reads information from analogue inputs and according to values it is influencing the flight behaviour. I wanted to upgrade to PX4 FMU or PIXHAWK to have more computing power, but I realized that I am
I want to implement (or just use if it is already done) a function for Arducopter, or maybe lets call it flight mode "Terrain copy". This means that copter hangs over terrain in altitude reachable by ultrasonic sensor. Lets say around (6m ~ 20ft)