"I wish I had the time to contribute some of my expertise and write a user's manual pdf to try to compile the jewels scattered throughout these threads - into blocks that are clear and kept up to date. It's probably going to get even more confusing…"
"I was afraid of that. I was confused again, by the changing configurations over time and all the posts mentioning the programmer for that chip. I ordered one, now don't need it. I'm not a programmer so can't use it other places. Guess I'll need to…"
"I am confused by the basic instructions using male pins for the eight pin string above the gps connector, but in the 2.0 instructions it says to solder in female in the GND & VCC points. I guess it hardly matters as long as they mate, but initially…"
"In the soldering instructions above, I don't see anything mentioned about connections for the FTDI cable. Should I solder pins somewhere for it as well. Any other pins need to be soldered other than those noted on the board illustration above?…"
"Would you have a block diagram similar to the attached for 2.0 setup using rudder and elevator only? I use rudder on channel 1, elevator channel 2.
also, I am hoping I can use channel 6 for autopilot off/on since 5 is used to actuate camera…"
"The header pins suggested for assembly are "machine" pins, a different part number than the ones on the original arduPilot board assembly instructions. What are the differences, minor, or of some importance?"