I just found them... the long range version on only rated at 1/2 mile
I need 50 miles and control besides nRT HD Video
I am not worried about the cost, within reason. I need reliability"
"Sure, I have no choice but use Digital video, but what not use an IP camera with better optics and imagers then bypass the latency in the USB bus or the ACK,NACK in the ETH0
Befinitiv's very elegant "wifi broadcast" will be much more efficient and…"
"I decided to move to Beagle Bone Black for two main reasons:
My needs require a minimum of 4 UART's and multiple GIO for my specific mode functions
I do not need the Graphics processor included in the Raspberry Pi
Monitor mode
Monitor mode is a passive-only mode, no packets are transmitted. All incoming packets are handed over to the host computer completely unfiltered. This mode is useful to see what's going on on the network.
"It is only a matter of defining the port from wlan0 to eth0 I believe.. I could be wrong as I'm not an expert in this area. All of these devices are at the base, serial devices right"