Hi everyone, I have to control an Apm 2.6 - controlled quadcopter with an arduino board, I want to use mavlink and guided mode so that in every moment I can take manual control if needed, so I'm using MAV_CMD_NAV commands, I manage to make it…
I managed to make it work, I can send all the commands end receive all informations, the only thing is that I have to use the RC_override cmds that disables my radio and I don't like the idea of not having any control in case of error, I'm…"
"Thank you for the reply,
after trying and trying and searching and searching I found a code that converted telemetry informations from mavlink to frsky telemetry, and I managed to modify it to receive mavlink informations and send messages to APM,…"
Hi everybody, I'm new to this community, I'm here to ask you some information about how can I control my quadcopter, with APM 2.6 onboard, with an Arduino Board (Uno or Mega, I have both, I will use one or the other basing on the needs that I will…