"I made update to AC3.2 rc4...
There is no more "PosHold" mode option at MissionPlanner FlightModes setup. How can I repare it ?
I did try to clean reinstall MP but problem was not fixed."
"So I need to set orientation settings by myself ?
...or maybe Pixhawk can check internal and external compasses data while calibration process and make the best orientation correction setup by itself automaticly ?"
"For Pixhawk I use compass settings "Pixhawk" in MissionPlanner. There is no options for compass rotation (3DR GPS+Compass module). So can I place it and rotate it as I need. Will Controller make rotation corrections by inself while compass…"
"I meen that APM have parameters for compass rotation but pixhawk do not. Can I rotate compass for pixhawk as I need to 180 or 270 deg ?
...and is it correct to rotate compass as it is good for frame mount ?
Please help me to understand..."
"Randy, please tell me What parameters should I set for GPS+Compass module rotation at the copter frame to 180 or 270 deg (for Pixhawk and APM @AC3.2)?"
"I guess it's all about Props weight and inertia. APC SF 1038 are heavier than APC SF 1047 and have more inertia but less air resistance for turn, so there should be additional settings (maybe curve) for such props to fix overshoot problem."
"I had this bug too. Turn the power off and than on again usually fix this problem... sometimes - twice full off/on.
SR setup was as it is at AC manual."
"I wrote aboute some big overshots before. Is was at APC SF 1038 props and setup:
the overshoots was also at
"Randy, please tell me what ATC* parameters will be default for AC3.2 ?
Will it be like AC3.2rc9:
"Please help me to fix one problem...
GoPro video shows some vertical jumps while moving forward at alt-hold and poshold modes. Please tell me that parameters should I tune to correct this ?"