Le mien n'a pas encore voler (uniquement sur banc d'essai) à cause d'un problème de vibration. Je suis en train d'améliorer le code (en particulier la télémétrie et la lisibilité du code). J'espère qu'il volera bientôt ! Je travaille en…"
I am working on a light ground station on Matlab to plot in real time several paramaters but there is still a lot of work to do. In the same time I am working on the VTOL aircraft which should flight alone soon.
I started few weeks ago to make a cleaner code from Jose's mini quad project. I use a library for PPM decoder and command (through a Pololu Maestro but I am planning to use the ServoTimer2 library). The code is more generic (for PID and…"
"I made some experiments last week. This graph shows the sum of 16 gyro samples
As you can see there is a lot of noise. If you right shift it 4 times, you remove a lot of noise but you keep the ADC resolution of 10bits. (so around 1°/s).
I used your code on a flying wing. It worked well and I made some improvements and made a clearer code. I created a google project : http://code.google.com/p/easy-imu-pilot/
If you want to see the modifications. I also plan to improve a little…"
I made several tests today. I read 16 ADC samples and I sent it to matlab at 20Hz (I also tried 100Hz but results are the same). Then I computed the mean and the variance for each sensors and for several right shifting. (0 = raw data, 1 = divise…"
This is my modification of the ADC reading. It took 16 samples to increase accuracy to 12 bits. However you also have to change your calibration values because output is now between 0 and 4095 (and not 0 and 1023).