



Blacksburg, VA

About Me:

EE Undergrad - Has Experience with Avionics/Embedded Systems/Robotics

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Designing, building, and testing custom avionics hardware and software.



Activity Feed

Luke posted a discussion
Hey guys,Check out this video of my most recent Arduino based scratch built RC airplane! Right now it is manually flown (with a scratch built Arduino transmitter), but I plan on developing autopilot modes and eventually make it fully autonomous -…
Apr 11, 2018
Luke posted a discussion
Hey folks,I've scratch built an RC plane and ground station (hardware, software, and frame all scratch built - not using Ardupilot nor a pixhawk) and want to develop an autopilot for it.I'm familiar with control systems and I'm considering using a…
Feb 25, 2018