"I made several attempts to calibrate the compass and the error persisted. After reading in some forums the similar experience of a colleague, where he solved the problem by downgrading to the first firmware version for arduplane. I did the same and…"
"I'm with the same version of Fw and same problem as yours. Is there a solution? Any firmware that corrected this error?
Mike said:
I have this same Bad AHRS in plane 3.7.1 MP 1.3.43.
Done all the stuff suggested. Recalibrade, power down/up, etc. …"
"this photo was made in Photoshop from an image of the ad Hobbyking.com model skywalker fiber. We just changed the color of the plane from gray to black and created this drawing of the shark. Thanks"
"Simply Sensational your GroundStation!A year and a half ago I built this Ground:
And I have been researching new buildings to adapt my Ground for the use of a computer with software autopilot. I would like to know more about your project, because…"