I recently updated another airframe to 3.8.0b5 APM plane firmware now I was trying to do the same on another pixhawk and I keep running into this error, I have tried to update mission planner to the newest beta version but I also keep getting this er
We recently received our new Pixhawk 2.1, and boy what a bunch of changes they have done to it mainly connectors are different and they click in which is nice. I am trying to get the most current version of PX4 flight stack on it using QGC v3.0.2. I
As COA's get amended to fly higher so do the FAA restrictions. We recently got our COA amended to be able to fly to 2000ft AGL but part of the stipulations are navigation lights. I recently ordered this from here
I am in the process of building a Quadranger VTOL platform. We have the flight controller flashed with Qground Control Quadranger setup, all other sensors are reading correctly. On the pitot tube, I have attached the straight tube coming from the pit