


About Me:

embedded and Windows software developer, electronics experimenter

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

R/C modelling, instrumentation for full-size gliders

Activity Feed

M Luckham replied to Raul's discussion Noise Seed
"It's just a number. Most random() functions require a "seed" number - because they aren't truly random-number functions they are just produce pseudo-random number sequences. If you run the program twice with the same value as "seed", you will get…"
Oct 6, 2010
M Luckham replied to Keith's discussion Airspeed Measurement?
"The code I use (Arduino) is:

#define SEALEVEL_SOUND_KNOTS 661.4788
#define SEALEVEL_PRESSURE_PSI 14.6959465

float knots = SEALEVEL_SOUND_KNOTS * sqrt(5 * ((pow((psi0/SEALEVEL_PRESSURE_PSI)+1,(2.0/7.0))-1)));

psi0 comes from a differential…"
Oct 6, 2010