I'm trying to run ArduPlane in SITL on a native debian based Linux system (Ubuntu 16.04) In ArduCopter everything is working fine. I followed the very good tutorial in http://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/setting-up-sitl-on-linux.html However the intended when
Flying in Auto mode my plane made nearly crashed in the ground making a right turn and decent.
After waypoint 4 a right turn and decent from 20m to 5 m was requested, however the plane fall to 40cm (above ground), then plane corrected to the requeste
When my plane in AUTO mode and a lower altitude is requested (going over to a new lower waypoint) you see and hear clearly that the trottle is reduced too much, the plane drops fast in altitude, and the is corrected by
My Airspeed meter has a lot of offset drift, mostly temperature drift.Does someone knows the algorithm used in the APM - MP to display the airspeed ?I'm looking for something like this:Reading_airspeed [m/s] = FACTOR * ARSPD_RATIO * ( RAW_ADC_Measure
Hello,My plane is an old balsa Lazy-Bee:(I use this to build experience with ArduPlane)All up weight : 1500gWinspan : 1440mmWing area: : 42dm2Battery / Engine : 7 cell, NiMH Outrunner Graupner 390Prop : APC-E 11x7Static thrust : 1140gThrust/Weight ra
Hello,I'm flying a plane with APM2.6 and Ardupilot 3.4.I have (not yet) an windspeed indicator.The plane is controlled by Rudder, elevator and throttle only.In normal, low wind, conditions everything appears to be okay.However in Auto mode, flying a
I intend to build the APM2.6 in a 2-Axis glider plane for long distance UAV flights,My setup is:Rudder (channel 1)Elevator (channel 2)Throttle (channel 3)Arming (channel 4)Flight mode (channel 8)So no airlerons and consequently no elevon or V tailIn