hello.try to use theautotrim,have setchannel7 tosavetrim.but itdoes not work.have trimmedmytricopterandturn onChannel 7for at least 1sec.zeroesthentrim on theradio.testto liftagainasuntrimmedas before. When ItuneinIstab
hey I have a small problem. code has loaded 2.6 and made the changes for gps and shiled. when I start up for the first time with all the servos and all sensors,GPS, pitot tubes connected. esc beeps on startup but nothing happens, the rudder pulls like cr
helpin trying to load my ardupilot white software 1.0 , the program frees up nothing is happening .it only say loading i/o then noting . can i wipe the ardupilot memory and start over or is the board scraped ? please helpi have the 168 board the prog