"it will be great. Send me files to mail klama9015@wp.pl
I've found recently very interesting opinion/advice that I have to tilt the camera forwards to about 10-15 degrees to deal with the forward tilt of the aircraft in flight (depending on flight…"
"OK thanks for help. I’m wondering to create similar project in autocad and print in 3D but mayby buying this one from my first message is easier and cheaper"
"Thanks for answer, but do you have any solutions how to fixed this camera?
I thought about create something in AutoCad and print in 3D prineter but I cant find any project in internet, which will be similiar to my project. "
Hello,I have a quadcopter tarot 650 and I really don`t know how mount camera sony a6000. Main goal is mapping and DTM. I have two soultions:1) something like…