This app makes your Android phone behave like MAVLink vehicle. You can connect to it using QGroundControl over UDP. The device must be either connected to the same local network, have a Wi-Fi hotspot running or a public IP address. You can also try…
"What is the model of the phone? Some of them have OTG capability, just providing power for connected device is disabled by default. I had Samsung Galaxy S III Neo, power could be enabled with one command executed as super user. What do you need to…"
"Wi-Fi has 14 channels ranging from 2.412 GHz to 2.484 GHz. Access points (smartphones and tablets too) often allow user to manually select certain channel. In my project I'm using Wi-Fi both for sending commands and receiving feedback."
Here is a simple Android app for testing cheap Chinese USC-16 servo controller: USC-16 Demo User can select one of four servos, movement speed, and position. The app can also be used to communicate with other devices based on CH340 chip. Your…
"I was planning to build something similar. I've recently bought FT311D Development Board that works as Android Accessory (no need for expensive USB OTG enabled phone, no Bluetooth latency). It has 4 PWM channels and costs about 35$."