Hi everyone, Recently I used ArduinoMAVlink to test mavlink. After I uploaded the following code to my Arduino UNO, I connected myarduino board with apm (not pixhawk) through USB (aiming to disguise my arduino board as a ground control station to…
"Hi Randy,
I download the file and replace it.But something wrong still happen. I can not download the hex file although the ide will display like that.
avrdude: verifying ...avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x3c001 0x80 != 0xf0…"
Anything will be ok if I download the offical firmware. When I design my apm code to apply my application, I can verify the code correctly. But when I download the code into apm2.6, I find that it will occur to error in the Ardupilot IDE. Also it…